Some Beliefs About Fairies
This is from Dave at Radio Scotland. Dave said; “Ellen let me answer this as ma granny or mam would”;
1: Pixie catching;
Needed; Hoover or carpet bat and rope (cloths line).
A: Pixies hide in the carpets so if the child hoovers the carpet they can catch a big bag full of fairies.
B: Put the rugs over the cloths line and give the child the bat. As they hit the carpet the pixies fall out with the dust.
2: Fairy viewers;
Needed lawn sheers; (Garden snips)
A: As child snips along the paths, (walk ways) they are cutting the foliage where the fairies hide when they are running along the path. The younger the child the more like they are to see a fairy. Use the heid, dunna gee a wee bairn something sharp. (Use your head – don’t give a small child something sharp)
3: Wish stoppers;
When the bud of a flower dies, the old rotting part blocks wishes. The child should be pulling, snipping, off the old buds. Works especially well on roses.
4: Clover Hunt;
Great with the wee ones. Show them a clover or other weed, and then let them go hunting and pulling. REMBER little ones put everything in their mouths including weeds, stones, and dog dirt.
5: Fairy calling;
Get the child/children a large stick and let them walk around the grass thumping the stick. If they are older put a nail at the end of the stick this will aerate your garden. Parents block the wishes also so they should be on a lawn chair supervising with a good book. I know it works very well the wonderful on grandchildren, not so sure about that other lot.
Making Fairy Houses
A couple years ago I was in Portsmouth NH for a Fairy Garden walk at
Strawberry Banks. The houses that were made by children and adults alike were awesome.
So, to do this with children: Collect pieces of bark, moss, berries, stones,
shells, I think you get my drift.
Walk along a stone wall or a tree or even a wood pile and find a little or
big hole that you think Faeries would like to live. Adorn the hole with
moss, berries, pine needles, anything you think the Faeries would love to
sleep and sit on. You can create paths leading to the entrance with stones
or sea shells. You and the children are only limited by your imagination.
Judith Crow
Bu the Elf by Margo Fallis
There was an elf, an elf named Bu.
There were many things he could not do.
He couldn’t stick his toe in his left ear.
He couldn’t sing when any frogs were near.
He couldn’t count all the stars at night.
He couldn’t eat an egg in just one bite.
He couldn’t reach behind his head,
Or pick dead leaves up off his bed.
He couldn’t jump over ten feet high.
He couldn’t scratch above his eye.
He couldn’t old ten pigs in his hand,
Or kill a dinosaur with a rubber band.
But there were some things that Bu could do.
He could make delicious Irish stew.
He could shoot an arrow high in the air.
He could spot any rabbit or any hare.
He could help a lame duck fix its wing.
He could cure an awful sore bee sting.
Bu could be the best friend you’d ever had.
The things he couldn’t do just didn’t seem so bad.
The things he couldn't do just didn't seem so bad.